After discovering the mystery that was hidden inside the cube in Curiosity, Bryan Henderson received the news that would become whole deity in the new strategy game of 22 Cans, the promising Godus.Sin however, the head of the study and father of classics like Populous and Dungeon Keeper, Peter Molyneux has confirmed that this will not be a deity lucky permanently. "What has won Bryan is a grace period in which the God of gods will for a while. not be less than a few months. could not be more than a year, "says the British creative, which thus confirms that" since "become vacant at some point. Reason? For Molyneux "not fair" that a person permanently controlase the game world, but insists that the time that rule will be long enough for that universe "means something to him." "There will be no carte blanche unchecked. Bryan may ask something happens in the game and then we will try to make that happen. But we can not do that every Canadian explode or something, "jokes Molyneux. "There will be limits to his power." After successful crowdfunding campaign, godus be released on PC, Mac and iOS tablets and Android.Más news: godus, Curiosity
Top Japan: Shin Megami Tensei IV reaches the lead on its opening weekend
Shin Megami Tensei consultant IVLa Media Create has released sales data of games and consoles in the Japanese market during the last week, which has been successfully released one of the most anticipated titles for Nintendo 3DS: Shin Megami Tensei IV . Role play has been placed in the first position of the best selling almost 200,000 units, followed by other launches novel as Kamen Rider: Battride War and Resident Evil: Revelations for PlayStation 3.The regard to the sale of consoles, few changes from previous weeks apparently except the spike in sales of the Nintendo 3DS XL, which has doubled its numbers in relation to consoles anterior.Venta week (last week) 01. 3DS XL - 40,651 (24,123) 02. 3DS - 14,059 (13,001) 03. PS3 - 13,318 (10,948) 04. PS Vita - 12,171 (10,931) 05. PSP - 5,749 (6,524) 06. Wii U - 5,648 (6,037) 07. Wii - 1,192 (1,143) 08. Xbox 360 - 382 (349) Sale of games (cumulative) 01. Shin Megami Tensei IV (3DS) - 188 562 (new) 02. Kamen Rider: Battride War (PS3) - 128 659 (new) 03. Resident Evil: Revelations (PS3) - 102,673 (new) 04. Tomodachi Collection: New Life (3DS) - 59,876 (984,984) 05. Valhalla Knights 3 (PS Vita) - 40,357 (new) 06. Terraria (PS3) - 19,861 (new) 07. Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon (3DS) - 19,079 (731,304) 08. Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS) - 15,489 (3,232,840) 09. Summon Night 5 (PSP) - 13,624 (119,135) 10. Resident Evil: Revelations (Wii U) - 8,398 (new) More news from: Shin Megami Tensei 4 3DS, japan Sales
Exstetra (Scan) The Japanese team responsible for Unchained Blades, Furyu, has announced the development of a new RPG for Nintendo 3DS and PS Vita by the name of Exstetra.En this adventure, designed by great talents among Japanese industry which we find the composer of the soundtrack of Xenoblade or artists behind Star Ocean and Baccano!, in X Tetra Incarnated a mysterious hero who must save the world from a great catastrophe by using their unique ability to absorb energy X enemies, to turn later into powerful milagros.Exstetra also include a romantic backdrop is linked closely to the promotional slogan with which the project has been sold: "Save the world with a kiss." Furyu Newest release in the market Japanese on October 17. Nothing has been said of its launch in Occidente.Más news: Exstetra